If a nose is fleshy and bulbous but not particularly large and the cheeks are powerful and fleshy it indicates the person is only modestly cash-rich but has considerable paper wealth. This is typically the face of many dot com millionaires or individuals who achieve wealth through a combination of salaried income and stocks and shares.
If a person has an Eagle’s Beak Nose, where the bridge of the nose is arched, the nose tip hooks downward and the entire nose is bony, they have a mercenary approach. However, these individuals typically fail to achieve great wealth as they are too vicious and motivated by self-interest to have truly great achievements.
Additional features to look out for are fleshy temples, high-set ears, and a high forehead, all of which indicates a person who achieves wealth at an early age. This is the “get rich Young” face.
As the primary indication of wealth and the main reference point of the subject of wealth, your nose governs how much money you can make, whether or not you can achieve wealth in life and how much you can accumulate. If you change your nose you risk damaging your wealth potential.