What to Look for in a Nose
When examine the nose, we want to look for positive and negative characteristics.
Good Nose Bridge indicators:
• Positive Qualities
• A good nose bridge is
• Broad and thick
• Fleshy
• Moderately high (begins at eye line)
• Straight
• Unmarked by lines, dents, scars or protrusions such as moles
Good Nose Wings are:
• Broad
• Fleshy
• Shaped so as to “hood” the nostrils so the nostrils are not exposed when the face is viewed quare on
• Without visible nostril hair
Good Nose Tip is:
• Fleshy and bulbous (imagine a cherry on the end of the nose)
• Slightly dipped
• Smooth and unmarked, with no scars, indentations or protrusions such as a mole.