Challenged Career Face

A person with a challenged career face is the individual who never seems to get a career break. They might be stuck in the same position for years and have limited job opportunities or are unable to break into their desired field. A challenged career face is not in itself a total impediment, but it can mean succeeding is not easy. The person will need to grab every chance they get and be prepared for a lot of challenges. Someone with a challenged face has at least two of the following negative features:

•     Downward slanting eyes or droopy eyes
•     Big, dull eyes
•     Eyes that lack spirit and are sunken in the sockets
•     A low tight forehead
•     A forehead with scars, marks, indentations or protrusions
•     A low and uneven forehead
•     A forehead with scars, marks, indentations or protrusions
•     A low and uneven forehead
•     A forehead with a prominent protruding mole
•     A thin and bony nose or a low nose bridge
•     A nose bridge with a mole on it
•     A mount with no clear borders or a small mouth
•     Ears that are low-set or chipped
•     A narrow and shallow philtrum,
•     Extremely thick eyebrows
•     Eyebrows that grow downward or in opposite directions
•     A haggard, lined and tired looking face
•     A pinched face with a very bony appearance
•     A unibrow (the eyebrows meet)
•     Eyebrows which are close together, creating a very tight space between them

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